Desafios para a gestão e a manutenção de praças e parques
The management and maintenance of parks and squares has been the responsibility of city governments and, in the case of some urban parks, state governments. Administrations often report a lack of resources and staff to meet needs, and in 2019 there is a discussion about granting parks as a solution to problems. The article aims to point out, based on research and case studies on the situation of Brazilian squares and parks, especially São Paulo, that the articulation between administrators and planners combined with the systematization of data and maintenance tasks are ways to rationalize maintenance costs. and offset the growing increase in maintenance demands. For the author, they are possible ways to cope with political discontinuity and neglect with urban spaces that do not have the same visibility of beach promenades, squares and parks of housing estates of the higher income strata. This requires further studies, with the recording, discussion and dissemination of practical experiences conducted by public servants in management and maintenance organizations.