Os avessos da trama monumental: investigação psicossociológica do uso cotidiano dos espaços públicos e de mobilidade de Brasília/DF
The paper seeks a critical investigation into how the public and mobility spaces of Brasilia, resulting from the planning and urban design decisions performed in the abstract space scale – conceived –, are perceived, used and appropriated by the population in their everyday praxis. It is broaches theoretically the exercise of urbanism as a representation of the power, throughout the history, but especially in modernism, as well as the centrality of space, as a locus of understanding of society and everyday life. The psycho-sociological investigation conducted through the cross of the questionnaires and affective maps applied to the fifty people approached in the main subway stations of Brasília, allowed to identify the subjectivities and recurrences of the perception and experience of the population in relation to the image of the monumental city, segregation and exclusion, as well as the affective ties to its spaces. The listening of the street voices constitutes a powerful and humane possibility of the transformation of the reality by the urban revolution.