Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Realidade virtual como plataforma de concepção projetual 

      Lobosco, Tales; Machado, Larissa Vecchi (2019-10-01)
      The digital processes brought great precision and control to the projects and their execution, but at the same time they brought a technical and constructive approach to the project tools, promoting a distancing of the ...
    • Realidade virtual no aprendizado da arquitetura 

      Panet Barros, Amélia de Farias; Bezerra, Giulia Fernanda de Assis; Lacet, Demetrius (2019-10-01)
      It is part of the architectural knowledge, whether it is theoretical or practical, the study of the pre-existences built for the development of the critical eye, the sensitivity and the repertoire of design. This article ...