Browsing Anais do 9º Projetar - VOLUME 03 by Title
Now showing items 36-46 of 46
Rede Reciclar, Núcleo Getúlio Vargas: estudo de caso do caminhografar e da corpografia urbana como procedimentos metodológicos para composição formal em projeto de arquitetura
(2019-10-01)The article aims to present the procedures in urban cartography used for the conceptual and formal elaboration of the project exercise in architecture, urbanism and landscaping, entitled “Rede Reciclar: Núcleo Getúlio ... -
A relação entre a apropriação do espaço e o conforto térmico urbano: estudo de caso da Praça Engenheiro Sólon de Lucena
(2019-10-01)The square acts as an agent of social and commercial interaction since the ancient civilizations and it survives between the different groups that compose the city. It is perceived nowadays as a space for acquaintanceship, ... -
Relação entre rito e concepção arquitetônica do espaço sagrado: o caso da Capela Universitária Jesus Mestre na PUC-PR campus Curitiba
(2019-10-01)This work describes the relation between rite and architectural conception of a sacred space. Through the systematic observation of the Jesus Mestre University Chapel, the intrinsic relation between the position and ... -
A representação de projetos de arquitetura e urbanismo segundo a Teoria das Grelhas e técnicas de diagramação
(2019-10-01)This paper presents the contribution of the concepts and techniques of diagramming applied to the reading of referential projects and to the presentation of landscape, architecture and urban design projects through the ... -
Requalificação da Praça Kantuta em São Paulo - SP: a participação da extensão e da comunidade na ressignificação do espaço público
(2019-10-01)This article presents the Kantuta Square redevelopment project, carried out through a partnership between the Humanizar/IFSP university extension and the Pari neighborhood association, in the city of São Paulo. This specific ... -
Sistematização de diretrizes projetuais para meios de hospedagem personalizados para cicloturistas como incentivo à ciclomobilidade
(2019-10-01)This article consists of a study that seeks to define design guidelines that can guide the process of designing personalized hosting facilities for cyclists. Initially, the contextualization of the theme and explanation ... -
Superquadras e paisagismo na orla de Porto Alegre: projeto, ensino e repertório
(2019-10-01)The teaching of architectural design is a theoretical-practical activity, which aims to build a knowledge through the experience of the project, based on the research of references or significant repertoires. This article ... -
Territorialidade e sociabilidade LGBT na cidade de João Pessoa: uma análise sobre o direito à cidade
(2019-10-01)In recent years, the Right to Experience the City enters as a strong Human Rights agenda, in the academic context and social struggles. Quality access to health, education, public safety, culture, transportation and leisure ... -
O Trajeto até a Universidade – Percepção dos alunos e a condição de vulnerabilidade da mulher na cidade
(2019-10-01)The present article was developed as an exercise to apply methods and theories of environmental perception. Through a bibliographical review, recurrent themes were identified in the discussion about the condition of ... -
O uso de softwares BIM no processo projetual em disciplina no curso de Arquitetura na UFMS
(2019-10-01)The objective of this article is to analyze the influence of the use of softwares Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the design process, in the discipline of Architecture Project VI. The descriptive exploratory field ... -
Vivência de acessibilidade no ambiente construído: Relato de uma experiência acadêmica
(2019-10-01)This article presents the report of an academic experience for the teaching of accessibility through the proposal of an "Accessibility Experience", which is offered semesterly to students of the 2nd year of the Architecture ...