Browsing Anais do 9º Projetar - VOLUME 03 by Title
Now showing items 7-26 of 46
Como Projetamos? Decisões Projetuais e Uso de Tecnologia BIM a partir da Análise de Projetos
(2019-10-01)The development of a project requires the designer to interpret data from the preliminary phase to the definition of the problem, so that a solution is developed, which will be the central idea of the project. The ... -
De agências bancárias a centros culturais: a presença da arquitetura dos bancos na paisagem das cidades
(2019-10-01)This article deals with the design of Brazilian banking agencies and the changes that have occurred in their spatiality over time, leading to the re-signification of the space in the face of the dynamism of technological ... -
Diagramas e projetos complexos em arquitetura: significados e intersecções
(2019-10-01)This article aims to discuss the relationship between diagrams and complex projects in architecture, advocating the use of this tool as a facilitator for analysis and proposition in the various phases of the design process. ... -
O Direito à Cidade em Pauta: Breve Relato de uma Experiência Didática
(2019-10-01)The present work intends to reflect on the experience of the discipline of Urbanismo II, which has been taught since 2011 to the third year of the Architecture and Urbanism course of the UniversidadeEstadual de Maringá. ... -
Uma discussão sobre os modos de observação para intervenção no espaço urbano: o caso do Pau Miúdo, Salvador
(2019-10-01)The article takes up an account of the transformation of the urban space in Salvador, based on the records of the Brongo survey of Pau Miudo, coordinated by the architect Sylvio Sawaya, in the 1980s, reviewed at a workshop ... -
Ensino de acústica urbana com uso do aplicativo NoiseTube para mapeamento de ruídos e de fotomontagem para intervenção na paisagem
(2019-10-01)This article aims to present the learning experience of urban acoustics and landscape design developed in Lighting and Acoustic Environmental Comfort subject in Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of IBMR University Center. ... -
O ensino de tectônica na UFPE e a concepção arquitetônica a partir da madeira laminada colada
(2019-10-01)The objective of this work is to raise the importance of the constructive knowledge of glued laminated wood - MLC technology, in the architectural project conception. From this understanding, it will be made an approach ... -
Espaço, forma, função e tecnologia: relato de experiências didáticas em disciplina de introdução ao projeto
(2019-10-01)This paper deals with an account of two teaching experiences in a subject of introduction to architecture, in the first year of the Architecture and Urbanism course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Starts ... -
As estratégias projetuais de Jarbas Karman: uma análise gráfica do projeto para o Hospital e Maternidade São Domingos
(2019-10-01)This article presents a graphic analysis of the architectural project of the hospitalization units of the Hospital and Maternity São Domingos, located in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The project was developed ... -
Habitabilidade na autoconstrução: simulações e medições em campo
(2019-10-01)After 10 years of the Technical Assistance Law, the Housing Improvement programs are still incipient and there are several conflicts under the view of minimum habitability standards. The behavior in use of self-constructed ... -
Heterotopias urbanas e a ideia das Smart Cities (con)formando cidades e os interesses da sociedade
(2019-10-01)The work presented here presents a Foucaultian problem through a social cartography that occurs in contemporary cities associated with the term utopia, dystopia and heterotopia, later reflections of how these concepts have ... -
A ilusão do direito à cidade: Breve discussão na cidade de Balneário Camboriú - SC
(2019-10-01)This article investigates the city of Balneário Camboriú, unveiling possible policies for the elitization of urban space, through the master plan and spatial evidence of the product city. The research was divided in three ... -
A inauguração do território na arquitetura moderna brasileira
(2019-10-01)The opportunity to constitute inaugural gestures in the landscape characterized modern Brazilian architectural production. The article aims to mapping and detailing three design strategies of this production – the exploitation ... -
Ligações em painéis de Cross Laminated Timber - CLT
(2019-10-01)The Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is a construction system that has been gaining prominence in civil construction in recent years due to sustainability issues since this system uses plantation lumber as raw material. The ... -
A manifestação do desejo na obra aberta: o caso Quinta Monroy de Alejandro Aravena
(2019-10-01)Architect Alejandro Aravena, curator of the 2016 Venice Biennale of Architecture and owner of a holistic vision, specialized in the design of housing units with the possibility of expansion to meet the housing demand in ... -
Metodologia ativa de aprendizagem fundamentada no pensamento complexo: uma vivência no curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
(2019-10-01)The need to train more active, creative and cooperative professionals in the work’s world has become a challenge for the university in which this research was carried out, since it has been promoting a process of continuous ... -
A negação continuada do direito à moradia em 10 anos de ocupação na Eugênio Pereira em Paço do Lumiar (MA)
(2019-10-01)The right to the city consists of different subjects and projects thought out of needs and desires, and goes beyond the right to things and urban services. It is linked above all to the creativity of (re) thinking in the ... -
O poder de pertencer: processo de projeto e concepção de uma praça dentro da periferia de Maceió através de metodologia participativa.
(2019-10-01)The present article intends to demonstrate alternative ways of penetrating the barriers of modification and production of the urban space, by focusing on the process of designing and designing a square within a peripheral ... -
Política urbana e cidadania em debate
(2019-10-01)This article aims to carry out a theoretical essay that reflects on the relationship of the impasse in urban politics in Brazil in front of the difficulty in strengthening an active citizenship. Through the interdisciplinary ... -
A política urbana no Brasil à luz da teoria institucional
(2019-10-01)This article aims to present the Urban Policy in Brazil in the light of the institutional theory. Methodologically uses a bibliographical revision to present a brief history of the achievements related to urban reform in ...